Friday, December 19, 2008

You Tube, Google Video, Teacher Tube

These are some of the videos that I watched on You Tube, Google Video and Teacher Tube- 707 barrel roll, Abbott and Costello- Who’s On First, Library Orientations, Top Gun- volleyball and You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ , Val Kilmer as Ice Man, many TV intros including the ones Shawn listed. I made myself stop after one hour. I suppose I could have kept going. Teacher Tube had a pretty funny one on rules that I thought I should share with some of my teacher friends.

I have actually seen the Did You Know videos a few times before and am awed by it each time. I definitely see value in remixing and/or remaking content on video. I think the second one Shawn showed would keep the attention more because it was more than just words on the screen. There were pictures and the music was much quieter. But maybe that wouldn’t appeal to today’s generation.

There are concerns with You Tube and such. As normal, kids think that most everything they read on the internet is true and the fact there are some pretty bad things out there. Parents have a real right to be concerned about what their children are doing. I feel it is a parent’s rights to say if their children can go on You Tube or not.

I love Teacher Tube. I think there is so much out there that should be shared because it is good. And if you do a lesson and students need to see it, there it is. It could be like they didn’t miss that great lesson and there is no excuse now. Students could do a lot too with Teacher Tube. This is a way for those who love to perform to show what they have, of course it would be content related. But I can see some end of the year show being put up too. I think I would defend Teacher Tube to parents. It is supposed to be good stuff for education. There is the chance that some bad stuff could end up there but the chance are better here that they don’t than on You Tube. I think I would show it first in the classroom with just what I posted or a particular post that pertain to what we were studying.

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