Tuesday, December 9, 2008


On my mission to learn about tagging this is what I found with these different sites:

Del.ico.us- found my topic easily- “edgy” books and young adult books
I liked this site. It mostly found what ever it was that I was looking for like “edgy” books and young adult books. There wasn’t necessarily bunches on each topic but I got the basic idea of how to use it.

Technorati- search was usually all over the place; never did see anything about “edgy” books, lots of “books” though
I was not amazed with Technorati and kind of a little disappointed. Mostly what I searched, young adult books, ASU football, flat classroom, came up with many different things mostly having nothing to do with what I was looking for. Not that this is the website’s fault. Maybe I just was thinking of the wrong things to type in.

Flickr- amazing pictures
There wasn’t really one picture that I found the most interesting. I tried all the “common” pictures like Hawaii, Egyptian Tombs, ASU, just to see what I would find, which was pretty much what I expected of Hawaii and the tombs, but ASU had some things I might not have thought of. I also tried the educational ones for me like young adult literature, edgy books, flat classroom and got a lot of pictures but mostly of the same event that someone tagged “literature”

Playing with this could land you some pretty cool things. I can easily see how someone could spend hours looking at any one of these and lose a whole day or night or two or more! I just kept wanting to go back and see what else I could type in and see what came up.

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