Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Voice Thread

Wow! This all happened very fast for me. I was just going along following the directions and whamo the next thing I know the thing is on my blog. Guess I had better do my writing now.
I guess this could be used in the classroom. There just would have to be some reason to do it, which I can’t think of one right now. Well, maybe it would be good for different students who just get bored with the same old stuff. Something new and different keeps them interested. Once again this must be able to be accessed through the district portal. If you had a camera and the students were taking pictures of things for class- idea- what about a “how to” assignment? That would be great. Step by step instructions and then people could even comment on it. Maybe if something didn’t make sense. I am liking this idea! I might even have to try a different one.
Again a concern would be inappropriate content. This might have to be done with parental and administration consent and then there is always peer monitoring.

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