Subscribe FreeAdd to my PageThe good, the bad, and the ugly of creating my podcast- well all I can think of is good. Except for the minor part of getting the microphone to work on my computer. But I am as smart as that computer and I figured it out. Long story.
It was a little scary loading the LAME encoder because of course my computer looked nothing like the video but I guess it worked because in the end everything was where it was supposed to be.
I got my About Me all typed up and read away. Saved it as an MP3 and then went to the podcast sites. I started with Podomatic. It wasn’t difficult really. I just started looking around for things that might be related to uploading and wa la there it was. I just followed the directions from there. Simple.
Next I did Gcast and wow was that easy. Good thing I did this one second or I would have been concerned when I went to Podomatic. I am going to have to say that this has been the easiest thing so far. And that is saying a lot because I spend days on some of the assignments trying to get them to work.
Doing pod casts in the classroom seems like a no brainer. Can you imagine having your lessons all recorded and uploaded and students could listen to them any time? What a difference that could make to some students. I know it might take some time but in the end when they are all finished you have probably gained time by not having to say the same things over and over again.
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